Burnt Ash Primary School

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Pupil Premium

Burnt Ash Primary School prides itself on the achievement of all pupils. Year on year our data reflects our vision to ensure the success of every pupil. 

The Pupil Premium funding received is carefully used to support children’s learning and well-being, with a particular focus on children who are, or have in the past 6 years, been eligible for free school meals, adopted children and any child looked after by the local authority.

We believe that by having a fully inclusive and personalised approach to education and the development of our pupils that we can spread the impact of this funding to all of our pupils. For example smaller class sizes, subsidised educational visits and tutoring benefits for everyone.

For the year 2021/22 the school received £1,345 per eligible pupil. Therefore you can see how important it is that we effectively use this money to maintain the highest standards for all the pupils at our school. Creating a successful and motivating environment has a positive impact on everyone. We are passionate about our children achieving the highest academic standards in order to prepare them well for the next stage of their educational journey.

Expenditure Report 22/23 & Strategy Statement

Expenditure Report 20/21 & Strategy Statement

Expenditure Report 19/20

Expenditure Report 18/19


Although we recognise that not all socially disadvantaged pupils receive Pupil Premium and that not all Pupil Premium children need additional support, we know that there are a number of common barriers which can be faced by some of our pupils. These may include;

  • Low self esteem
  • Speech, language and communication needs
  • Social and emotional mental health needs
  • Limited life experiences
  • Social deprivation
  • Challenging home lives

Priorities to Address Barriers to Learning

Our strong Pastoral Team supports families during difficult times and to increase positive relationships with the school and other support networks. They work in liaison with the Children Centre, local food bank and voluntary groups. The team provide or source a range of therapeutic and counselling services to improve the children resilience and independence – improving their academic engagement.

Educational psychologists provide well-being and resilience support to enable our children to understand the problems they may come across and give them skills to deal with them.

Additional teachers and support staff ensure that our children receive high levels of quality interactions throughout the day, both educationally to support their learning and as role models and support to develop social skills and resilience.

Our curriculum has been developed to address the needs of our pupils. It is based on quality books and stimulating topic that our children are keen to engage with. It is supported with frequent visitors into school, workshops, work within our local community and educational visits to make the learning real and memorable.

The individual needs of our children and families our continuously assessed and the school has a proactive ethos of identifying barriers and finding solutions or offering support. This ranges from support to access clubs and child care to support with uniform and increased learning opportunities.