Burnt Ash Primary School

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At Burnt Ash, we believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is extremely important as, when taught effectively, it teaches and helps children to be resilient, value their self-worth, be independent, confident and have an awareness of right and wrong. Evidence of successful PSHE should be seen through the ways that children carry themselves, interactive with each other, deal with challenging situations and life experiences and how they challenge themselves within their learning. It can also be shown through the different experiences and activities shared in class black celebration books. As adults, we are instrumental in the support we can give the children to lead a healthy lifestyle, be the best they be and be happy within themselves. 

PSHE is a cross curricular subject and should run through the whole curriculum in our day to day teaching and interactions with each other both in and out of school. However, some elements, such as health and economic wellbeing, are taught explicitly through circle time, isolated PSHE lessons or through links made with RE and other subjects.


Curriculum Documents

PSHE Curriculum Overview


PSHE Skills Progression


PSHE Knowledge Progression